The French pastry bakery in the USA
- Special baguettes and breads, or rather sweet with eclairs, tarts, desserts and birthday or wedding cakes.
- We can meet all your expectations.
- French pastry at American size.

Soon exclusive weekly offers.
Distribution,rural development,assitance integrity approch empowerment…
We have our visa!!!
Since the time we were waiting to spend our maintenance at the Embassy of the United States to get our E2 visa, as I had announced in my previous post, the appointment was taken for April 15 at 10:15. The preparations: It's been more than a month since I've been working to prepare the interview that goes entirely in English and where I have to defend our project to convince the immigration officer that we will earn enough our lives and also hired American staff. I have for this, been coached by an American (thank you Christina) living in France specializing in interviews for visas. We have worked intensively to find the right answers to any questions from the immigration officer. The answers needed to be short but also contain a maximum of relevant information. We have also been well helped by Sylvain and daphnée of Objectif USA, to whom [...]
On y est presque
J’ai enfin de bonnes nouvelles à vous apporter. En effet, après encore quelques péripéties, depuis que nous sommes de retour en Floride, nous avons bien avancé sur notre projet. Trouver une boulangerie à vendre : En janvier, après notre retour en France, nous étions en négociation avec un landlord (propriétaire) pour un local dans l’est d’Orlando, malgré beaucoup d’énergie déployée nous n’avons pas eu ce local qui était placé idéalement. Il nous a fallu, retrouver un autre local. Avant de partir de Floride en Janvier, nous avions visiter une boulangerie à vendre dans l’est D’Orlando. Plus qu’à espérer quelle était encore sur le marché. Heureusement pour nous, elle n’était toujours pas vendue. Après une deuxième visite, nous nous lançons et faisons une offre. À la suite d’une petite négociation nous tombons d’accord. Nous voila de nouveau à rencontrer un nouveau landlord. Ce coup-ci nous avons la chance de pouvoir négocier en [...]
Direction Florida
We're back for a month's stay in Florida. Indeed after a very long wait on the premise we had found in January, we still do not have a clear answer from the owner. A priori our visa applicant status frightens him a little. So we had to continue our research and resume contact with a bakery we had also visited at the end of our trip in January. But before I tell you all this, let me tell you where we are on the French side. The sale of the house That's it, we sold our house in the Parisian area, the sale went very well and we gave the keys of our "home" to a family that is very eager to develop. I have no doubt that they will have as much happiness and good memories as we do in this beautiful house. Our move also went very well. [...]
Back in Florida
First of all I wish to present to you again all my vows for this year 2019, which can bring you all what you want, as well as the health for you and your loved ones. As far as we are concerned we hope which takes us quickly to Florida. The recipe challenge: We will address several things in this little post, the first is as certain one noticed I did not meet my challenge by succeeding to post two recipes a week because I have not done this for two weeks. I have not given up and this will have to resume soon (next week if possible). Indeed the search for recipes takes me longer than I thought and I have had a lot of things to manage in the last 15 days as you will understand with the sequel. But you are not going to lose anything because [...]
Bonne année 2019
Je profite du passage à cette nouvelle année 2019 pour vous souhaiter tous mes vœux pour cette nouvelle année. Quelle puisse vous apporter tous ce qui vous comblerai et ferai avancer vos projets les plus ambitieux. De notre coté, cela n’a pas beaucoup évolué depuis le mois de novembre, nous attendons toujours le déblocage de nos fonds. Cela devrai arriver d’ici la fin du mois au début du mois prochain. La bonne nouvelle c’est que l’on a trouvé des acheteurs pour notre maison. Donc on reprendra nos recherche sur place certainement à la fin du mois pour espérer une installation d’ici avril. En attendant, nous continuons à chercher un commerce à reprendre depuis la France, et il faut dire qu’il n’y a pas grand chose d’intéressant pour l’instant. Nous réfléchissons à la possibilité de faire une création complète de notre future boulangerie. Cela a certains avantages mais aussi d’autres contraintes [...]
Report to half of our trip to Florida
As many know we are currently in Florida to prepare for the creation of our French pastry bakery. It's been two good weeks since we arrived. We had good and worse surprises. We also had great meetings, which helped us well. But let's start at the beginning. Just before leaving (about a week), we were surprised to see a €100,000 provision blocked on the sale of our bakery . This was all about our trip. Because without a substantial contribution, it is very difficult to block a case and apply for a visa. However, our plane tickets and the rental of our apartment being not refundable or décalables, we leave for a month of studious vacation. The Arrival: We arrived on October 9th for a stay of about 5 weeks. Unfortunately, we had chosen our dates badly because our professional real estate agent (broker) and our immigration lawyer summers in [...]