About Us

/About Us
About Us2018-10-14T11:08:04+02:00

About us ?

Pastry baker for almost 30 years, I got the title of master craftsman baker, pastry chef, chocolatier and ice cream maker in 2017.

Passionate about my job, I settled with my wife Véronique in 2005, opening our first bakery. The second was opened in 2009.

I continued to train with the big name of pastry (Phillippe Park world champion pastry and best worker in France, Atelier Pierre Hermé, Bellouet school …)

We plan to continue our adventure in Florida (USA), where we hope to open a French bakery soon. The project will build on the pillars that made our success in France, namely, the quality of raw materials, using noble and local products where possible. The transmission of our culinary culture through our products but also demonstrations and training that I already shared in France.

We also created a blog where we will find our news and recipes that I would share from time to time with you.

We have three children: Corentin 16, Laetitia 14 and Luke 2 years. We love to travel and this adventure will allow us to discover many beautiful things both professional and personal.

Hoping to live with you or at least share them with you as we enjoy them.

Stéphan’ Martin

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